If anyone would have told me after the cold winter and wet spring that summer would be a walk in the park, I would have laughed at them. I figured for sure we would pay for the nice spring weather and rain with scorching summer temperatures, high humidity and dew points that would make everyone uncomfortable . . . and give everyone’s air conditioner a thorough workout. Here we are on the verge of August and I can count on one hand the number of days that it has been absolutely miserable to be outside. I can’t remember another summer like it. Who knows, maybe August and September will be the unbearable summer months . . . or will we just jump straight into an early fall? Only time will tell.
Even though it’s been unseasonably cool this summer, it’s still no excuse to take the summer off from maintaining your air conditioner. Cotton seemed to flow from trees for several months this year and we are seeing many air conditioner condensers plugged with cotton. This blockage takes away the ability for the condenser to suck in air and function properly. If not addressed it will put additional strain on a number of parts and can even lead to the premature death of a unit. Spraying an air conditioner from the outside will only pack the debris in. The best way to clean it is from the inside out. This requires some disassembly of the air conditioner and definitely means turning off the power supply to the unit. Having a professional handle it will ensure safety and will also allow a thorough inspection of the equipment to ensure optimal performance for the rest of the summer and potentially eliminate costly repairs down the road.
Enjoy the rest of the summer, whatever it may bring!