It’s that time of year again! The grass is getting greener, flowers are blooming, and the warm wind is starting to blow (it is Nebraska though so the wind blowing is nothing new . . . it’s just suddenly warmer). Suddenly the temperature is above 80 and after working in the yard all day doing your spring cleaning all you want to do is kick on the air conditioning and cool down a little. You adjust the thermostat and switch to cool and . . . nothing. It was running just fine last fall when the temperature hit 80 degrees and you needed to cool down. What could possibly be wrong with something you haven’t used for the last six months?!
Not every air conditioner that won’t turn on or blow cold air will have the same issue. That’s why it’s important to add a money saving maintenance check to your spring cleaning to do list! The payoff is peace of mind over the hot summer months and lower cooling bills because your air conditioner is running optimally. Ideally, an annual maintenance agreement is the way to keep your entire heating and cooling system in top running condition. In the long run, annual air conditioner cleanings will also prolong the life of your equipment! Contact us today to get YOUR spring cool check scheduled and rest assured that you will be taken care of for the summer months to come!
Tags: Energy Savings